Saturday, July 25th, 2020


Today was a fun day and not too hot at that. Or maybe we just did not notice the heat given all of the water surrounding us.

The usually media scan did not reveal anything exciting. More of the same old same old. The USA continues to lead global infections with 4.25 million confirmed cases of the 15.9 million worldwide. The occupant of the WH continues to send unidentifiable troops into cities lead by democratic majors to cause aggression, the GOP continues to go along with all of this as the world watches a great democracy turning into an authoritarian regime and a divided country where people live in two realities. It is just a sad state of affairs.

In the meantime, efforts to develop a vaccine continue. Here is an overview of the vaccines under development. Given the size of the world population it seems reasonable that ideally all cross the finish line, especially if annual booster shots may be needed. At the same time scientists agree the virus, I guess like the flu, may never leave.  I am not sure what learning to live with it means for our future lives. Will we never hug again? Will we never shake hands again? What would that mean for dating, sports, and anything else involving touch?

But today we ignored all of this and just got on with life. After coffee and a media scan in bed EM joined me on my way to practice in the park, where I spend the better part of an hour working on Katas with the Jo. It was a great class. Our practices in the park are increasingly feeling like a real class, now with warm-ups and stretches at the end. From the park we went straight on to the Glenmont pool. We managed to secure a lap and I got my 45-minute swim followed by a few dives of the board. I am getting pretty perfect with my back dive and EM and I are getting better at synchronized diving.

Heading home we dropped of a birthday present for EM’s friend E and bought a printer. Yes, I have succumbed to the realities of our new life and acknowledged the need for one after having done pretty well without it for four years now. It is mainly EM who felt we needed to add such a device to our household as she is sick and tired of copying out mathematical formulas. We got home in time for EM to make a mango version of Key Lime Pie and me to book a lane for Tuesday, dye my hair and eye brows, call mom and then pack a bag for our late afternoon invitation to a BBQ. Our Istanbul friends, a German-Turkish couple, had invited us over for a BBQ, which started with wine by the hot tub, some play time in the pool followed by perfectly grilled steaks, another dip in the pool and more wine. It was a beautifully relaxed evening; just chill with some great conversation and awesome food. THere was the best beet root salad ever. I will most certainly copy that particular receipe!

After a full fun day it is time for bed.