Thursday, August 13th, 2020


One of my friends called me from Germany today. We had not spoken in a few weeks and it was nice to catch up. They had gone to the Baltic sea for a week and her son had been to France with his friends staying at someone’s holiday home there. Her main gripe was about limitations to freedom of speech induced by mask wearing and related demonstrations. I think I somehow missed the point as my reply was rather sarcastic, stating that freedom of speech was in no way under threat as evidenced by 20.000 maskless people demonstrating in Berlin. When she asked how we were doing and what our plans were, at the same time commiserating the inability of young people to party I lost it.

Yes, of course we partied like there was no tomorrow at that age. And yes, I completely understand the desire of people – no matter what age – to socialize and be merry but doing it now may mean that there really is no tomorrow. I am amazed how informed my otherwise so intellectual friend is. I rattled of the US statistics:

Total infected: 5.4million = ¼ of worldwide reported infections (20.6 million), and the US does not constitute ¼ of the world population
Dead as of today: 167.000
Newly reported cases today: 54.000
Died in the last 24 hours: 1470,
Of which roughly 25% are 17-25 years of age and, 25% are 26-55 years old. Between March 2020 and today there 200.000 more death in the USA than at the same time 2019

And we all know the reasons for high infection rates: unwillingness to wear masks, inability to “social distance”, need to party and socialize. How can one not know this?

There is an interesting discussion in the FT today about the Russian vaccine (Sputnik V – I love the name) making a fair point that just because the process is flawed (no phase 3 trials, no international peer review of the results to date), it does not mean it will not work. The FT attributes the international outrage largely to politics and to a certain extend I agree. There are a lot of things about Russian politics I do not agree with, but that is no reason to vilify their scientist. Frankly, Russia has a long tradition in research and science and this vaccine has been developed by top Russian scientists. I have more trust in Russian science than the folks over at Moderna that is for sure. Am noting the reported side effects of the Sputnik V seem far less severe than those half of Moderna’s 40 phase 2 trialists reported. The fact that the scientist who have developed it all used it on themselves and their family does show they have confidence in its safety. I guess with “licensing” it, Russia is running the biggest phase 3 trial of them all. And if in two to three months all those inoculated will not be infected, I will happily take a Russian shot, but not before then.

I also stumbled across an article providing background on all the 122 vaccine developments currently under way which also explains the differences.  I think I have little faith in the RNA vaccines.

In the meantime CDC is warning people to take precautions and maintain health and avoid autumn health crisis, including getting flu shots. That is on my agenda for the weekend, for the first time ever. Not because I object to vaccines, more because I have never taken the flu very serious. Why am I so certain that most Americans will ignore the message?

There is also news on the treatment front, but I am not sure what to make of this Australian doctors claim that a known and licensed treatment against lice can cure COVID-19. That sounds a little bit like "demon semen" or drinking bleech. However, the part on the Zinc makes sense as the virus requires a certain pH level to thrive. We have been taking Zinc, Oregano and Ginger supplements since the beginning of the pandemic. So at least maybe it warrants some research?

On a happy note, life emerges in new forms as people whose livelihoods depend on it get creative. How else can they make a living with all stages closed?