Tuesday, September 8th, 2020
After a five day weekend life is back to normal today, with meeting and call schedules as well as a regular school routine. While I was busy with various projects this morning my contractor came over to install the awning outside, one more step in creating outdoor entertainment space. Also, the little roof I had ordered for my kitchen door miraculously arrived two weeks early and came yesterday, so that was installed also.
I had initially thought a handyman and I could do the job. I am ever so grateful I did not proceed down that route. The two guys my contractor brought and himself were busy for the better part of three hours and really swearing at the thing. Now it is up and covers a nice section of the garden. I am very happy with my purchases.
The final upgrade will be the mason work to cover the patch of lawn in between the two pacved spaces and then we are as set as can be for autumn and winter entertainment. Nonetheless, I am hoping it will stay warm for a few weeks to come so we can continue to swim in open bodies of water on weekends. During the week it is the pool at the Y and between EM’s and my account I have managed to book a lane almost every day.
Today we even managed to secure a family slot for next week Tuesday so we can go and swim together in the outdoor pool. Of course, this is back to back with what I am hoping is my final dentist appointment. Given it is taking the temporary out and fitting the new crown an hour should be enough. With the Monday of my week is a little out of whack and I need to keep reminding myself that today is Tuesday and I should head to the park for Aikido practice. I would be rather annoyed with myself if I missed it.
Not much new going on, on the Corona front. Then again there cannot be ground breaking news every day for six months. There is far more on the political agenda which is now dominated by the elections, including: (i) proven Russian meddling in 2016 as established by the GoP led Senate Security Committee, (ii) the postmaster general forcing staff to make campaign donations; and (iii) corruption of the administration, especially the so called first family; first in lining their pockets maybe. But of course rural America will vote for the moron in chief, by all I have seen driving through rural Virginia. It is like Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving as their favorite holiday. The current administration could not care less about their plight, or anyone else’s for that matter.
This country is so divided, it is sad.
The Russians have published more on their vaccine and the results of ongoing trials. I would trust any Russian vaccine over an American version at this stage of pandemic management.
Reported cases in the USA have surpassed 6.5 million today while worldwide 27.4 million have been reported. I have come across a very thorough article on Corona viruses; possibly one of the best articles I have read on the subject to date; outlining the history of Corona viruses their transmission generally as well as how COVID-19 specifically has evolved.
In light of the ever-increasing numbers and USA continuing to be first for now four straight months one should think even the moron in chief would have gotten and passed on the message: mask up, keep a distance. Not for the moron in chief. He orders people to remove masks, never mind wearing one himself. Never mind leading by example.
Given the politics, especially foreign policies this country has pursued over the past 3 and a half years, virtually destroying every foreign relationship, giving up leadership, combatting multilateral agreements, I have a hard time seeing any country likeminded with the USA at this stage. The current administration has managed to antagonize pretty much every other nation, possibly with the exception of Russia and North Korea, but who wants to be in their company? So why would the world rally around the US’s interests when it comes to data, data privacy and use of information. While I believe that many countries are at least weary of China and its ambitions, I do not think there are many countries which can afford to follow the USA’s call for boycotting any technology which is Chinese; especially given Chinese investments in infrastructure such as deep sea cables and telecom towers. As a digital expert I do believe that efforts related to data protection are critical, so while I have not made up my mind, I tend to side with China.