Monday, October 19th, 2020

Icy Atmosphere

After returning from our outing last night I put up the Halloween decorations. Last year I had bought two little ghosts which are too adorable for words so of I went today to buy more – there were none. So while in the shop I figured I could make them myself. The shop carried white fabric and Styrofoam balls which is really all one needs. I have a sharpie at home so could draw eyes.

For the past hour I have been entertaining myself with cutting up the cloth and gluing elastic bands to the balls so I can hang them. Sadly, the super glue eats into the Styrofoam, so the elastics do not hold. Am thinking I might be able to staple them, were it not for the icy atmosphere in the house.

Since EM spoiled our outing yesterday by commenting she would rather have spend the day I had so carefully planned, booked and made a picnic for, with her friends (never mind the outing was with her best friend and she had just come back from 36 hours camping with her friends and one was allowed to stay the night upon their return) I have not spoken to her. I am hurt and disappointed and angry.

It is not as if we had not discussed plans for the weekend before I proceeded to make all of the arrangements. It felt like the girls had fun at the pumpkin patch and enjoyed the picnic. They just somehow did not approve of the adults sitting in the sun over a bottle of wine talking and enjyoing themselves while they were left to their own devices. Instead they asked if they could go home and go shopping. All we asked was thirty minutes to sit and enjoy the vineyard. Really is that too much to ask of two teenagers? Am I being unreasonable for being upset that she spoiled what was a beautiful day for me by saying she needs to get out of the house rather than being cooped up with me?

I mean she had been out Friday to Saturday, returned home, went to fetch her friend for a sleep over and then, oh horror, had to spend the day with another friend and the two mums. I had spend so much on reservations etc. to create a fall outing for us and all I get is this? That is the angry me.

There is also the hurt me. Hurt because clearly there is no appreciation of the love I have put into the day, into the food. Instead we get home and she grudgingly moves the pumpkins out and the curbside stuff in to then disappear to her room. I really do not feel like talking to her and have done my best to ignore her all day, for but a text message saying she can pick up lunch in the kitchen.

This kind of behavior is new to me. She used to be such a pleasant person to adventure with, to hang out with. I am beginning to think that this increased exposure to Julia has something to do with it. The girl is having some tiff with her mother and it seems to be rubbing of. I am not sure what to do about it. For the moment EM is getting the silent treatment while I am doing her chores. I have resolved to plan fun things with other adults and not include her, this includes the trip to Germany for Christmas. I shall book my flight and if she wants to come, she can sort it out herself or stay here and sit under the Christmas tree by herself or whatever friend she feels she needs more.

Okay, I am mad now. Anyway, long story short I do not want to go and ask her for either the hot glue gun or the stapler, so am stuck with my little ghost project for the time being. This is going to be a test of wills, who will feel uncomfortable first, me or her. I am resolved for it to be her.

On that note, I think I will call it quits with my FWB also. I am so done with one-sided communication. Why must I listen and be compassionate about his stories about his daughter’s misbehavior when he does not listen to my concerns?

On a positive note I got a lap even though my reservation somehow had not come through. I enjoyed a swim in the outdoor pool in the sun. Tomorrow I have a booking at the back-up pool and by the looks of it, if I go early, I can probably get 45 minutes of pool time. On the way back I shall need to replenish the cat food and in the evening, I shall join practice in the park! So all set for a lovely day.

Of the 40.3 million reported case today the USA accounts for 8.44 million. Research reveals that the spread of Corona in the Midwest can be traced back to the motor cycle rally in Sturgis which attracted over 500,000 participants. These people gathered mostly unmasked inside and outside. After all we know, is anyone really surprised by these findings? I mean really?

While Pfizer has gone on record stating it will not be ready to request regulatory approval before mid-November, the company is ramping up production to ensure once regulatory approval has been given it can deliver 100 million ore the end of the year and some 1-1.5billion doses next year. This is very much welcome news as is intelligence on virus mutations. The results of this research suggest “The researchers believe that mutations in RNA folding may have potentially enabled the virus to rapidly and asymptomatically spread before detection, in contrast to the SARS outbreak during 2002-2003. The authors also suggest that the results of their research may lead to new molecular targets for treating or preventing COVID-19. Nsp4 and Nsp16 are among the first RNA molecules that are produced when the virus infects a new person. The spike protein doesn't get expressed until later. So they could make a better therapeutic target because they appear earlier in the viral life cycle."

Finally, rallies by the Covidiot become super spreader events as Minnesota illustrates.

Is anyone really surprised? ,